
What is the Greatest Common Divisor of 54 and 47?

The Greatest Common Divisor of 54 and 47 is as follows:


To find the Greatest Common Divisor of 54 and 47, we first list all the divisors of 54 and all the divisors of 47. Then, we compare the two lists of divisors and pick the largest (greatest) number that is on both lists, which will be the Greatest Common Divisor of 54 and 47.

Here is the list of 54 divisors: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54

And here is the list of 47 divisors: 1, 47

When we compare the two lists, we see that the greatest number they have in common is 1.

Therefore, once again, the answer to the question "What is the Greatest Common Divisor of 54 and 47?" is:


Note, the divisors of 54 are all the numbers you can divide into 54 with no remainder, and the divisors of 47 are all the numbers you can divide into 47 with no remainder.

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What is the Greatest Common Divisor of 54 and 48?
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