The Price Of Gas Versus Printer Ink

Think a gallon of gas is expensive? This will make you think, and also puts things in perspective. All these examples do not imply that gasoline is cheap; it just illustrates how outrageous some prices are. You will be really shocked by the last one!

Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ... $10.32 per gallon

Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ..........$9.52 per gallon

Gatorade 20 oz $1.59......$10.17 per gallon

Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25.... $10.00 per gallon

Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ...... $33.60 per gallon

Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 ... $178.13 per gallon

Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85....$123.20 per gallon

Whiteout 7 oz $1.39........ . $25.42 per gallon

Scope 1.5 oz $0.99.....$84.48 per gallon

And this is the REAL KICKER...

Evian water 9 oz $1.49...$21.19 per gallon! $21.19 for WATER and the buyers don't even know the source (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.)

Ever wonder why printers are so cheap? So they have you hooked for the ink. Someone calculated the cost of the ink at (you won't believe it.....but it is true........)It cost $5,200 a gallon.

So, the next time you're at the pump, be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, Nyquil or God forbid, Printer Ink!

The above joke was sent to us by a fellow collector. Thank you for all the jokes we have received.
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