Here we will explain what each letter in rwxrwxr-x permissions means for your UNIX/Linux file. We start by color-coding the nine characters in rwxrwxr-x, so it is easy to follow along:
There are three sets of three characters, and each set is assigned as follows:
rwx: Owner Permissions
rwx: Group Permissions
r-x: Everyone Permissions
Furthermore, the letters grant the following permissions:
r = Read
w = Write
x = Execute
Now, when we put it all together, we can see what file permissions your rwxrwxr-x has:
rwx: Owner can read, write and execute
rwx: Group can read, write and execute
r-x: Everyone can read and execute
rwxrwxr-- permissions
Here is the next file permissions on our list that we have explained for you.
File Permissions Calculator
You may also be interested in our File Permissions Calculator for more information.
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